Dark Arbor Lodge

Group Photo

It all started, appropriately, on Halloween.

The party that had only recently become a local tradition was attended by a growing number of professional “makers,” as well as the usual group of friends. The creative crowd drew closer together as the conversation shifted from party talk to shop talk. It was Christina Kortum who finally said, “you know, this is really great. We should do this more often.” In that moment, the seed of what was to become Dark Arbor Lodge was sown. Saturday, November 4th, 2017, DAL held its first meeting.

Since then..

Christina and Josh

Each month, we’ve dragged ourselves out of our caves, dungeons, basements, garages, and shops to gather; exchanging creative experience and knowledge. While initially founded in “shop talk,” the true core of the Dark Arbor Lodge became socializing with like spirits and developing friendships. As the spectrum of creative talents grew within the group, our possibilities also expanded - we began shared efforts, events, and experiences devised specifically within the group, for the group.

And so, Dark Arbor Lodge has grown steadily.

Old Man of Innsmouth

Our efforts are expanding and venturing out into new territories as Dark Arbor Lodge creates more and more content - both online and in the community.

Look for big things ahead with Dark Arbor Lodge!